Word of the Day: Gamble
A person who gambles takes certain risks in order to gain an advantage in the form of a position or increased wealth.
- People go to a casino to gamble.
- They also go to a racetrack to gamble on horse racing.
- In some places, it’s illegal to gamble.
- A friend of mine gambled away his life’s savings; now he’s broke.
- Have you ever gambled on anything?
The word “gamble” is often used for situations that have nothing to do with the sport of gambling but involve risk.
- Mario is gambling with his life when he rides a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.
- Ignoring your education is gambling with your future.
- Extreme sports such as mountain climbing and skydiving don’t seem to be worth the gamble. (You might die while participating in these sports.)
The word “gambling” is a gerund:
- The state where I live permits limited gambling.
- It’s not easy to make a living by gambling.
- Gambling can be very addictive.
- A person with a gambling addiction might gamble away his or her personal fortune. (The word “gambling” is an adjective in this sentence.)
This word “gamble” can be used as a noun:
- It’s a gamble to ignore your doctor’s advice.
- Smoking is a gamble. Not everyone gets sick from it, but many people do.
- I wouldn’t want to take that gamble.
- Moving to the United States may or may not be a good idea. It’s a gamble.
- Buying a house as an investment could be a good gamble, depending on the location.
A person who gambles is known as a gambler.
- Poker is a very popular card game among gamblers.
- A successful gambler has to know when to call it quits. (call it quits = stop playing)
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