Meaning and usage of flip word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word flip

Word of the Day: Flip

The word “flip” means to turn over. When you are cooking, you often have to flip things so that they cook evenly:

simple past past participle
  • Tony flipped the hamburgers on the grill.
  • Angela used a spatula to flip the pancakes.
  • It’s hard to flip fillets of fish without breaking them.
  • The turtle flipped over on its back and was unable to move.
  • Flip a coin to see who goes first.
  • The house was flipped several times before someone bought it and settled in. (In real estate, to flip a house is to sell it quickly after a purchase in order to reap a small but solid profit.)
  • You’re going to flip when you hear what I have to say.


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