Meaning and usage of fatigue word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word fatigue

Word of the Day: Fatigue

A person who experiences fatigue feels very, very tired. This could be caused by working too much, or there could be a problem caused by poor health.

  • Bob says he’s suffering from fatigue.
  • Teresa says she’s been feeling fatigued lately. (The word “fatigued” is an adjective.)
  • After eating a big lunch, fatigue began to set in.
  • Some women complain of fatigue when they are pregnant.
  • Fatigue is a symptom for certain illnesses. If you often feel fatigued, you might want to see a doctor.
  • Looking at a computer screen for hours and hours can cause fatigue.
  • Many people experience fatigue because they have boring jobs.
  • Driving a long distance can cause fatigue. If you feel tired while you are driving, you should pull over and get some rest.


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