Meaning and usage of eliminate word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word eliminate

Word of the Day: Eliminate

To eliminate something is to take it away or stop it or get rid of it.

  • During a tournament, teams are eliminated through competition until two teams remain to play for the championship.
  • We eliminated several different possibilities when looking for a reason for the problem with our computer.
  • In order to eliminate her debt, Victoria found a second job and paid off her credit cards.
  • It’s not easy to eliminate belly fat.
  • I wish I could eliminate all the rabbits who are eating the bark off of my bushes and trees.

The word “elimination” is a noun:

  • Through a process of elimination, we determined the reason for the problem.
  • The elimination of an enemy is an objective of warfare.
  • Janet took her cat to the vet because the cat was having trouble with elimination. (elimination = the ability to go to the bathroom)


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