Meaning and usage of edge word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word edge

Word of the Day: Edge

The edge of something is where a flat surface ends. It usually forms a 90-degree angle going down, but not always. Take a look at this picture:

The word “edge” is often used as a noun:

  • The little boy fell off the edge of his bed.
  • Our cat likes to sit on the edge of the table.
  • A razor has a very sharp edge.
  • The edge of a knife is also sharp.
  • A long time ago, people used to think that the world was flat and if they went too far, they would fall off the edge.
  • The train depot is located on the edge of town. (“The edge of town” is the near the border or the city limits.)
  • Powerful telescopes allow astronomers to see what the edge of the universe looks like.
  • Alice has an edge over the other applicants for the position because she speaks three languages fluently. (To “have an edge” is to have an advantage over others.)
  • Nate likes to live life on the edge. (To live on the edge is to do things that are dangerous, new, experimental, or challenging.)

You can also use “edge” as a verb in some idioms:

  • Bill edged out the competition and won first prize. (edge out = win; beat slightly)
  • We’re all on the edge of our seats awaiting the news. (on the edge of one’s seat = to anxiously wait for the outcome of something)
  • The company is edging forward with its plans to build a new headquarters. (edge forward = move forward, go forward, move ahead but slowly.)


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