Meaning and usage of deep word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word deep

Word of the Day: Deep

Far below the top or the surface of something is an area that is deep. The word “deep” is the opposite of shallow.

  • Some fish live deep below the surface of the water.
  • There are many deep craters on the surface of the moon.
  • When Rena took her children to the beach, they dug deep holes in the sand.
  • The water at the beach was just a few feet deep.
  • A snowstorm left a large amount of snow that was three feet deep in some places.
  • A little boy got a deep cut on his arm, so he was taken to the clinic where a doctor stitched up his wound.

If something is deep, it might have a strong intensity or some strong quality. It’s a little similar to the words “really” and “very.”

  • They’re deep in debt. (They’re really in debt.)
  • The people of Springfield have a deep belief in the future of their town. (They believe in the town very much.)
  • Joe is in deep water after it was learned that he’d been stealing from the company he works for. (deep water = in serious trouble)
  • Christina has deep blue eyes.
  • Dan has a deep voice. (deep voice = low voice)
  • The man fell into a deep sleep after working all day.
  • She has some very deep secrets which she keeps to herself.
  • We’re deeply troubled by a financial crisis that is affecting our school.
  • The two young people are deeply in love with each other. (These last two sentences use “deeply” as an adverb.)

The word “deep” can also be used to describe something that is complex or layered with different meanings:

  • Our philosophy instructor is a very deep thinker.
  • He’s deep in thought.
  • The students were thrilled to discover the deeper meanings that are in the poem.
  • That’s so deep. (That’s an interesting and complex thought.)


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