Meaning and usage of coverage word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word coverage

Word of the Day: Coverage

The word “coverage” is used as a noun when talking about media such as television, radio, print, and the internet. The information that is reported is the coverage of the event. It’s what reporters choose to show and say while the event is happening or after it has happened.

  • Coverage of the election results showed who won last night’s election.
  • CNN provides 24-hour coverage of national and international news.
  • Local coverage of the news is good around large cities. In small cities and towns the coverage is limited.

You can also use the word “coverage” when describing insurance:

  • What kind of coverage do you have for your car?
  • Tom needed additional coverage for his home due to possible flooding in the area.
  • Our health insurance provides good coverage for unexpected medical bills.


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