Meaning and usage of count word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word count

Word of the Day: Count

To count is to arrive at a number for a group of things or people, but the word “count” is also used when describing something that is important or something that really matters.

  • His opinion doesn’t count. (It’s not important in this situation. / It doesn’t matter.)
  • The decisions she makes really count. Everyone in the company is affected by what she decides.
  • Elections count. Go vote!

If you add the preposition “on” to “count,” you get “count on” which means depend on or rely on:

  • You can’t count on him to come to class on time. He’s always late.
  • Can I count on you to help me this weekend?
  • I’m counting on you.
  • He counts on his wife for her support.

The next set of examples shows how the word “count” might be used when determining a number.

  • The little girl can count up to twenty.
  • Did you count all of the students in the classroom?
  • An odometer counts the number of miles that a car has traveled.
  • She met so many interesting people at the event she can’t count them all.

The word can also be used as a noun when talking about an amount:

  • What’s the count? (…during a baseball game when asking about balls and strikes.)
  • We have to do another count. (When talking inventory at a store.)
  • A recent count of city residents shows that the population has increased by ten percent.
  • By my count, there are a few people missing from our group.


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