Meaning and usage of bring word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word bring

Word of the Day: Bring

The verb “bring” is similar to “carry” and “have.” When something is in your possession and it’s going from one place to another, you bring it.

simple past past participle
  • The students brought their books and their notebooks to class.
  • Did you bring your lunch to school today?
  • Luke is going to bring his girlfriend to meet his parents.
  • The jet stream is bringing warm air from the Pacific Ocean.
  • Before air travel was possible, large ships brought immigrants to live in the United States.

You can also use “bring” when someone carries forward to a new place or time something that is abstract, such as an idea or an ability.

  • Mark brings years of experience to his new position in the company.
  • Don brought an interesting point of view to the discussion.
  • For people who celebrate Thanksgiving, the smell of a roasting turkey can bring back good memories of being with family and friends.
  • I hope the new year brings you good luck and success.

The word “bring” is a part of many idioms:

  • Graciela was bought up by her parents to have great respect for elderly people. (bring up = raise a child)
  • The new supervisor promised to bring about many necessary changes to the company. (bring about = put in place; make happen)
  • The sellers brought down the asking price on their house until someone finally made an offer. (bring down = reduce)

“Bring it” and “bring it on” are very popular expressions. They’re used when a person is challenged or threatened in some way:

  • Following a big argument, Mike challenged Joe to “bring it on,” and suddenly the two men were on the floor fighting.
  • President George Bush challenged the Iraqi insurgents to “bring it on” after the invasion of Iraq–and they did.


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