Word of the Day: Bitter
The word “bitter” is an adjective used to describe taste, temperature, and emotional feelings.
If something tastes “bitter,” it has a strong, unusual affect on the tongue that is not completely unpleasant. Some people really like bitter food and bitter drinks; others don’t like it.
- Beer can taste bitter
- My friend, Jeremiah, loves ale because it tastes bitter.
- If coffee is really strong, it can taste bitter.
- Sarah likes to drink coffee because of its bitter taste.
- Dark chocolate can taste bitter. That’s why some people don’t like it. It’s not sweet like milk chocolate.
- Dark chocolate is appreciated for its bitterness. (The word “bitterness” is a noun.)
When using the word “bitter” to describe a temperature, it’s very cold.
- People who live in Minnesota pride themselves on their hardiness and ability to survive the bitter cold.
- A bitterly cold mass of air has moved into the area from the Arctic.
- A guy I know lost some of his toes to frostbite because of exposure to the bitter cold.
If a person is feeling bitter, he or she is very unhappy about a situation.
- Todd and his wife went through a bitter divorce which resulted from his infidelity.
- The divorce settlement left Todd feeling bitter about the justice system.
- Clara feels bitter about the the company that she worked for for 30 years and how they treated her as she neared retirement.
- Her bitterness is made worse by aches and pains in her back and feet caused by the work that she did for the company.
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