news for learning english

Beginner Listening Series 5 Lesson 29- Short News for Learning English 9

In this lesson, you listen to an English News for beginners about a TV show, a holdup, a church, pollution and more.


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Good evening, and welcome to the 10 o’clock news. Tonight’s top story:

A man has been jailed after his win on a TV show. The man, who won £1,200,000 worth of prizes, bribed the show’s host, police discovered, and the two of them then shared all of the prizes and money. This fraudulent act was discovered when the show’s host unexpectedly emigrated. Police have arrested him in Southern Mexico.

Detectives are appealing for witnesses after 3 cars filled up their tanks with petrol without paying at a petrol station on the outskirts of the city last night. The incidents, all of which occurred between midnight and 1am, occurred as one man distracted the petrol attendant in the shop whilst his accomplishes filled their cars. Anyone who has further information or who saw anything suspicious is being asked to contact police.

A local church has sold its pews to raise money for a youth center in the area. The church, on the corner of Willow Avenue, sold the antique pews at auction for £23,110. The congregation are now thinking of other ideas in order to reach the £1,000,000 total needed for the center.

Pollution in local rivers has reached an all time high according to environmentalists. Up to 1000 fish were found dead in rivers last week, and people are being urged not to throw anything into the rivers and to dispose of their litter in appropriate places.

A team of students from a local secondary school are heading to the international final of a dancing competition, held in Beijing, China. The pupils, all aged 16-19, are said to be ‘delighted but nervous’ at the prospect. The final will take place next Tuesday, and will involve students from 14 different countries. The winners will collect a cash prize for their school.

Let’s have a look at today’s weather: Today will be rainy, with drizzle in the North and heavy showers in the South. This weather is not expected to brighten up for a few days, I’m afraid, so get those umbrellas out! That’s all from us. See you tomorrow.


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