since grammar
Learn English Since Grammar

Grammar Level 7- Lesson Eighteen- Since Grammar

In this grammar lesson, you learn about Since grammar in English and how to use it in your English conversation and writing. Just follow examples of since and write them down a few times to learn them very well. After finishing this lesson, you should work on its quiz.

Grammar Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered the Even If Grammar If you just landed on this page, we suggest that you complete our previous lesson including its quizzes before continuing on this lesson.

Requirement Lessons

There is no required lessons for working and learning this lesson.


Examples of Since

“Since” is similar to “when.” This word identifies a particular time or starting point. You can also use “since” as a substitute for the word “because.”



1. She’s been taking a lot of photographs since she got her new camera.


Since she got her new camera, she’s been taking a lot of photographs.


2. They’ve been very happy since they found out that they are going to have a baby together.

3. Tom has felt more confident since learning how to do karate.

4. East and West Germany have been united since 1990.

(in this example, “since” is used as a preposition, similar to “for.” You could also say, “East and West Germany have been united for 19 years,” but “since” is often more useful because it identifies an exact date.)


5. Women have made great gains in social, political, and economic freedom since the Victorian times of the 1800s.

6. Since joining a health club, he’s lost a lot of weight.

7. I’ve been feeling better since I started to take this new medication.

You can also use the word “since” as a subordinating conjunction. In this case, it’s similar to the word “because.” The video below explains:


Quiz for Since

Now that you learned your new lesson, it is time to go to the Since page and finish your quiz. While working on your quiz, you can always go back to its lesson to refresh your memory.

Private Lessons in English

If you need help with quizzes of this lesson, you can hire one of our expert private English teachers by going to our Private English Tutoring page and submit a request. When submitting your request, make sure to mention the grammar level and lesson number.


Next Grammar Lesson

In our next lesson, we will cover the On While Grammar Before moving to the next lesson, we suggest that you complete this lesson including its quizzes.

Related Grammar Lessons



Grammar Level 7 Outline

If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Grammar Level 7, you can visit the Grammar Level 7 Outline page.


Practice English Grammar Skills

For a comprehensive practice of English grammar with quizzes, you can visit the Improve English Grammar Skills page to view HiCafe 250 grammar lessons in 7 levels plus prepositions and pronouns.