put all verb forms
Learn English Put Grammar

Grammar Level 5- Lesson Three- Put All Verb Forms

In this grammar lesson, you learn about Put all verb forms in English and how to use them in your English conversation and writing. Just follow examples and write them down a few times to learn them very well. After finishing this lesson, you should work on its quiz.

Grammar Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered the Get Verb Forms If you just landed on this page, we suggest that you complete our previous lesson including its quizzes before continuing on this lesson.

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Put All Verb Forms

put / put / put / putting


The verb “put” is one of those words you learn first in English. Use “put” for placing objects in a place or in various places.

It’s almost impossible to speak English without “put.”

It’s also just about impossible to use “put” without an object and a preposition after it. (I put the milk away. The word “milk” is an object; the word “away is a preposition.)

Many students are confused by this irregular verb because it doesn’t change its form very much–just “put.”

I put the bread on the cutting board before cutting it.

They put water into the sink before doing the dishes. They also put soap in the water.

She’s putting some fish in the oven.

Do you like to put mustard on a hotdog?

He was put in prison because he killed someone.

She put on a blue shirt and jeans today. She also put her backpack on.


Put All Verb Forms
present tense: put / puts
past tense: put
future: will put
present continuous: am / are / is putting
past continuous: was / were putting
future continuous: will be putting
present perfect: has / have put
past perfect: had put
future perfect: will have put
present perfect continuous: has / have been putting
past perfect continuous: had been putting
future perfect continuous: will have been putting
modal verbs: ______ put
past tense modal: ______ have put
infinitive: to put
gerund: putting
passive: yes


Idioms Using the Word Put

The verb “put” is frequently used with prepositions to form idioms.

put away = save money

We’re putting some money away for our retirement.

put (it) away = eat a lot of food.

Bobby can really put it away. Look at how many sandwiches he ate.

put back = to return something to the place where it once was.

Kendra was interested in buying the vase she saw in the shop, but when she saw how expensive it was, she put it back.

put back = to drink alcohol.

After work on Friday, Ed and some of his buddies put back a few glasses of beer at a local tavern before going to a baseball game.

put behind = to try to forget something; to move forward after a bad experience.

Carla was in a terrible accident last year and lost one of her arms, but now she’s trying to put that all behind her.

put down = to insult; to say something mean about a person.

It’s not a good idea for a teacher to put down a student in front of the class.

put money down = to leave a deposit of money in order to get something you want. (Often a buyer puts five, ten, or twenty percent down on a big purchase such as a house or a car.)

They put $3000 down on a new car. They’ll finance the rest.

put (one’s) finger on = to identify something; to remember.

I know her from somewhere, but I can quite put my finger on it.

put in = to contribute time, money, effort.

After putting in eleven hours at work, Jose took the bus home and went to sleep.

Everyone put in a little bit of money to buy a retirement gift for Marion.

put in (one’s) two cents = to express an opinion; to say what one thinks.

Do you mind if I put in my two cents? I think you should keep the job you have instead of looking for a new one.

put on the line = to take a large risks with money, reputation, power.

He put his reputation on the line when he agreed to hire a good friend for an important position in the company.

put out = produce; to manufacture in large numbers.

Toyota is putting out a lot of well-made cars that Americans like to buy.

The company can’t put out its product fast enough to meet the demands of consumers.

put one over on = to fool someone; to trick.

He won two million dollars in the lottery? Are you trying to put one over on me by telling me he won two million dollars?

put through = to send someone to school, usually tuition-based private schools, universities, and colleges.

It’s not easy to put three kids through college all at the same time.

put up = provide lodging; to allow someone to stay in your home for a night or more.

Hey, I’ll be in town next weekend. Do you think you could put me up for a few nights?

Thanks for putting me up.

put up with = to tolerate; to ignore a problem.

How does Yvonne put up with her neighbors? They’re so noisy!


Quiz for Put

Now that you learned your new lesson, it is time to go to the Put page and finish your quiz. While working on your quiz, you can always go back to its lesson to refresh your memory.

Private Lessons in English

If you need help with quizzes of this lesson, you can hire one of our expert private English teachers by going to our Private English Tutoring page and submit a request. When submitting your request, make sure to mention the grammar level and lesson number.


Next Grammar Lesson

In our next lesson, we will cover the Use Verb Forms Before moving to the next lesson, we suggest that you complete this lesson including its quizzes.

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If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Grammar Level 5, you can visit the Grammar Level 5 Outline page.


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For a comprehensive practice of English grammar with quizzes, you can visit the Improve English Grammar Skills page to view HiCafe 250 grammar lessons in 7 levels plus prepositions and pronouns.