Give Verb Forms
Learn English Give Grammar

Grammar Level 5- Lesson Six- Give Verb Forms

In this grammar lesson, you learn about Give Verb Forms in English and how to use it in your English conversation and writing. Just follow the give verb forms examples and write them down a few times to learn them very well. After finishing this lesson, you should work on its quiz.

Grammar Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered the Take Verb Forms If you just landed on this page, we suggest that you complete our previous lesson including its quizzes before continuing on this lesson.

Requirement Lessons

There is no required lessons for working and learning this lesson.


Give Verb Forms Examples

give / gave / given / giving


The verb “give” is used when one person provides something to another person.

1. Someone gave her some flowers.

2. The waiter gave him a bowl of rice.

3. He wants someone to give him a ride.

4. This mother gives her baby a lot of love.

5. It’s time to give this house a new coat of paint. The last time it was given a new coat of paint was over 20 years ago.

6. He’s waiting for someone to give him a call.


Give Verb Forms

present tense: give / gives
past tense: gave
future: will give
present continuous: am / are / is giving
past continuous: was / were giving
future continuous: will be giving
present perfect: has / have given
past perfect: had given
future perfect: will have given
present perfect continuous: has / have been giving
past perfect continuous: had been giving
future perfect continuous: will have been giving
modal verbs: ______ give
past tense modal: ______ have given
infinitive: to give
gerund: giving
passive: yes


Idioms Using the Word Give

The verb “give” is often used with nouns to create idiomatic expressions.

give a blank check = to give a large amount, sometimes without conditions or limits on the amount.

Sandra thought she was given a blank check to buy food for the party, but when she spent over $1000, the other members of the club got mad at her.

give a hand = to applaud; clap

What a great performance. Let’s give them a hand! (everyone claps.)

give a hard time = to make someone feel uncomfortable with questions or comments.

My boss gave me a hard time for being late to work this morning.

give (something) a shot = to try; to work hard at achieving a goal.

Natasha wasn’t sure if she was ready for the Olympics, but she gave it a shot anyway and became a successful competitor.

give away = to give things to people for free.

The grocery store is giving away free ice cream bars in order to get more customers.

give (one) five = to raise one’s hand and slap another person’s palm.

Hey, that was a great speech. Give me five!

give in = to submit to the will of another person; to allow something to happen.

Bill tried as hard as he could to resist the temptation of another piece of pizza, but finally he gave in.

give it to (someone) = to hurt someone physically or verbally; to punish.

Katy’s parents really gave it to her when she came home with a bad report card.

give the evil eye = to look at someone with anger or the intention to cause harm.

It felt to Jose as though the whole team was giving him the evil eye when he failed to block a kick at the goal.

give the finger = to show one’s middle finger at someone out of anger.

When the guy in the car behind me gave me the finger, I slammed on the break and he hit me from behind.

give the nod = to permit someone to do something; to say okay; to grant permission.

Everyone expected the coach would choose Daryl to be quarterback, but instead the nod was given to Tom.

give (one) the shaft = to reject someone; to fail to meet another person at an agreed upon time and place.

I was supposed to go out with Terry tonight, but she gave me the shaft.

give the shirt off (one’s) back = to be generous.

Sid is the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him to.

give up = quit.

Have you ever tried to give up smoking? If not, you should.


Quiz for Give

Now that you learned your new lesson, it is time to go to the Give page and finish your quiz. While working on your quiz, you can always go back to its lesson to refresh your memory.

Private Lessons in English

If you need help with quizzes of this lesson, you can hire one of our expert private English teachers by going to our Private English Tutoring page and submit a request. When submitting your request, make sure to mention the grammar level and lesson number.


Next Grammar Lesson

In our next lesson, we will cover the See Verb Forms Before moving to the next lesson, we suggest that you complete this lesson including its quizzes.

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Grammar Level 5 Outline

If you wish to explore all lessons that are covered in HiCafe Grammar Level 5, you can visit the Grammar Level 5 Outline page.


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For a comprehensive practice of English grammar with quizzes, you can visit the Improve English Grammar Skills page to view HiCafe 250 grammar lessons in 7 levels plus prepositions and pronouns.