How to Improve English speaking


If you want to know the best way to learn English speaking, then you need to know there is no best way. When it comes down to learning anything new, you want to take on the approach that is most comfortable to you. Think about the time you had difficulty trying to learn something new, whether it was a subject in school or a particular hobby that you were interested in pursuing. There was a lot of time that you put into doing so and there were also multiple ways that you attempted to accomplish your goal. For instance, you can use some websites or mobile Apps to practice English conversation online with other global learners in different time zones.


That same observation can be applied when talking about learning to speak English. The world has seen so many advances in technology that can aid in helping people learn English. Some of these tools are simple, mundane options that you just kind of brush away and don’t even think about as being useful. Then you have the more tech-savvy tools and strategies that are used to solve larger problems on an everyday basis; so certainly learning to speak English is a breeze. Still, even if it looks like an easy decision, there’s still a choice to make as to what you are comfortable with. Going back to the example of learning a school subject, there were probably tough essays you encountered and couldn’t just rely on one source for your information. You had to browse through various materials and resources before completing your assignment. In addition to that, you didn’t just compile it once then stopped, but you actually had to consistently browse through these resources to refine your content. Essentially, this is what is going to be discussed in this post, finding the best way to help you learn the English language. Once you find your method, you will find your success.


What is your Approach to Learn English Speaking?

Visual Learners

Learning to speak English is a very broad subject that can be approached in various ways. It is all about what you are comfortable working with. Some students are visual learners. They have to see examples in front of them in order to understand it better. In a previous article, it was mentioned that writing could be one way to learn how to speak fluent English. Observing any mistakes, or corrections, in front of them gives them a road map into picking up on the language quicker. When it comes to visual methods, it doesn’t just stop at writing, you can also consider visual aids such as flash cards or reading different materials.


Verbal Learners

Verbal learning is another big approach when learning to speak English. It’s obviously a direct opposite of visual, but it can be considered an advanced method when you learn English speaking. While visual learning allows you to take in information at your own pace, with verbal learning, you’re processing the information as it comes. One of the aspects of verbal learning is listening. When you listen to someone else speak, you have to process what they said right on the spot to determine your response and keep the conversation going. A slower aspect of this would be listening to music or watching a television show, where the message is going at its own pace, but you can go back – in most cases – and review what was being said. However, even with that rhythm, you’re still processing information that’s not in front of you. So now you have the challenge of determining the context of certain words and phrases. What you’ll learn about speaking English is that certain phrases mean something different than in the language you speak natively. English speakers that attempt to learn a different language run into this same obstacle as well. What comes along with this verbal crash course are things known as tone or body language. Body language refers to how a person is positioned physically when they are speaking or moving. Slumping shoulders and folded arms can indicate a more negative mood, while wide eyes and smiling faces indicate a happier vibe.


What Methods Can You Take When Learning English Speaking?

Jump Right In

For some things, it’s best just to jump right into them, and English speaking is no exception. If you think about it too much, or become too cautious in your approach, then you will succumb to overthinking and become prone to making more mistakes than you wanted. Instead, just attack the subject at hand and cover as much as you need to. This is where verbal learners can benefit as they are satisfying their needs through practical actions. They are more likely to engage in conversations despite how ready they think they are. They won’t just stop at conversation with others, but they will seek out all the methods and resources available to them, including writing and digital materials. With writing, a proactive learner might process ideas in their head to attempt to write short stories or text messages to a friend who is a native English speaker. When it comes to digital, part of the technological advancements of language learning include the development of Apps that can do wonders for those who want to learn English speaking. Apps offer a variety of options to help with learning new languages, including connecting with other speakers or resources to practice on your own.


When you jump right into learning to speak English, you’re basically taking on everything at once. This can become beneficial as you allow your mind to keep engaged, processing different spoken language information. For some people, this can come in handy as their mind is moving without hesitating to think, giving them a sense of comfortability with the new language they are learning.


Pace Yourself

Sometimes jumping right into something is not the best way to go and you need to take your time, especially when you learn English speaking. The English language has plenty of complex rules that will confuse you. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself time to process each new bit of information you learn. In fact, just like in the previous paragraph there are many tools to access and learn a new language, but the timing in which you use those tools all depend on you. A major part of pacing yourself is setting up a schedule to organize your time. You can select one day to learn through an App, another day to practice writing and another day to have a conversation with an English speaking partner. You can even select a day, or days, to do multiple activities and just schedule them at certain hours.


When you pace yourself, you allow your mind to fully process information so you can completely understand it. Don’t think of it as a deficiency in any way, because the important part of this process is making sure you understand what you are learning. Eventually, you will get to a point where speaking English becomes as fluent as your native tongue, but this is a long road to success so don’t wear yourself out trying to rush something that will come in due time. Also, pacing yourself doesn’t make you a slower learner; instead, it helps organize the information better so you can understand it more effectively.


Find Your Consistency

Whatever approach you take, keep doing it on a consistent basis. It’s similar to an athlete training for a sport. They must keep training repetitively to reach the physique needed to compete. This same idea applies to when you learn English speaking. You need to consistently work on these strategies until you reach a level where you speak English as naturally as possible. Of course, you can set it up to where you have breaks in between your studying, so you can take a break and recharge, but make sure you are working on your skills frequently.


Those who want to learn English speaking must understand there are many methods and tools available to them so they can accomplish their goal. English is a complex language and the opportunity to master it will always present itself. There are different approaches you can use to really grasp this achievement. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a visual or verbal learner, for someone who jumps right into obtaining knowledge or for someone who paces their learning, the road to learning to speak English fluently is a long and rewarding journey.

However, you do not have to take that journey alone, as HiCafe can be right there with you. HiCafe is an App and website that can help you learn English speaking through resources such as blog posts, grammar lessons and videos. There is a wealth of information that can be obtained from our website, in which you have the option to either jump right in or simply take your time and gather the information as you need it. The English language transcends countries and continents, so you’re bound to run into it eventually, whether on a personal or professional level. The best way to learn and improve English speaking would be to get on the HICafe App and practice English conversations with other global learners in live meetings.