Intermediate Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 1- Conversation Questions About English Language
In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers that are covering conversation questions about English languages. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.
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Conversation Questions About Learning English
Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.
- How many languages do you speak fluently? How did you learn them?
Well, I speak Farsi fluently, of course! It’s my native language. I’m also pretty good at English, and I’m learning French! I’m learning English because it’s a super important language, especially in the world of technology. French, I’m learning just for fun! It’s a beautiful language.
- Does your language have words adopted from English? Explain.
Yes, definitely! English has had a big influence on Farsi. There are lots of loanwords, especially in the fields of science and technology. For example, we use “komputer” (computer) and “internet” in Farsi. It’s interesting to see how languages interact like that!
- Is English important for an individual in your country? Why or why not?
Yes, English is becoming increasingly important in Iran. It helps with travel, education, business, and even just keeping up with global news. It opens up a whole world of possibilities!
- Why are you studying English? Explain.
I’m studying English because it’s the language of the tech world! I want to be able to connect with people all over the world. Plus, it’s just a cool language to learn!
- What’s your favorite language? Why?
This is a tough one! I love Farsi because it’s my language, and it has a beautiful, poetic quality to it. But I also really enjoy English. It’s so versatile and dynamic! English has a great sense of humor, too.
- What’s your least favorite language? Why?
I’m not sure I have a least favorite language. Every language has its own unique beauty and history. Even languages that sound strange to me probably have beautiful poetry and stories that I would love to learn about!
- What’s the strangest language you’ve ever heard? Explain.
This is a tricky question! I guess I find languages based on some clicks and whistles strange. I’m not used to those sounds! But it’s really fascinating how those sounds are used to create meaning.
- Do you wish your country had another language instead of the present one? Why?
No, I love Farsi! It’s a part of my identity and heritage. It’s the language of my family, my friends, and my culture. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
- What are pros and cons of knowing 3 foreign languages?
That’s a great question! Knowing multiple languages opens up a whole world of possibilities! You can communicate with more people, learn about different cultures, and even be more successful in your career. But it does take time and effort to learn!
- Can you name any languages that are no longer spoken? Why aren’t they spoken anymore?
There are many languages that are no longer spoken. Some languages disappear because the people who spoke them died out. Others are lost because of language shifts, where speakers adopt a different language. It’s a real shame when languages disappear, because they carry so much history and culture with them.
More discussion questions about English language
For a longer conversation about languages, you can use the below discussion questions about English language:
- What would you do if you had to travel to a country where its people don’t know how to speak neither your language nor English? Explain.
- Do you think that disappearing languages should be protected or should we just let them fade away? Why?
- What languages are spoken the most throughout the world? Why?
- Which do you think is the most difficult language? Why?
- Can you think of some disadvantages of being monolingual? Explain.
- Do you think foreign language study should be required? Why or why not?
- Do you think all people should be required to study the same foreign language, or do you think there should be some choice? Why or why not?
- Do you think that a language other than English should be used as an “international language”? Why or why not?
- Do you think language affects thought? Why or why not?
- Do you enjoy studying English grammar? Why or why not?
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