Beginner Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 2- Greeting and Introduction in English
First impressions matter, especially when it comes to greetings! Knowing the right way to say hi can make a big difference in your interactions, whether you’re connecting with friends or meeting new people. This lesson will help you understand various ways for greeting and introduction in English.
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Introducing Yourself Conversation in English
Essential Greetings in English for Beginners
Two friends meeting
Friends often say “Hi” to each other. Then they often ask a general question, such as “How are you?” or “How are things?” or “How’s life?”
The reply to this question is normally positive.
- Fine thanks, and you?
- Fine thanks, what about yourself?
- Not bad. Or Can’t complain.
Greeting people you don’t know
You can use “Hello” with people you don’t know, but a more formal greeting is “Good morning / afternoon / evening.”
When you greet someone, they usually reply with the same greeting. Then, to be polite, they might ask you a question like, “How was your trip?” or “Did you find our office easily?”
Introducing yourself- At an informal party
- Hello, I’m Maya. Or Hello, my name’s Maya.
The reply could be:
- Hi, I’m Sonia Or Hello Maya, I’m Sonia. Or Nice to meet you, I’m Sonia.
Introducing yourself- At work-related events
- I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Maya, from HiCafe
- Or, Let me introduce myself. I’m Maya from HiCafe.
The reply could be:
- Nice to meet you. I’m Henry Lewis, from Mitchell Company.
- Pleased to meet you. I’m Henry Lewis, from Mitchell Company.”
- How do you do? I’m Henry Lewis from Mitchell Company.
Introducing other people like a friend to a work colleague
- Nile, have you met my colleague Tina?
- Nile, I’d like you to meet my colleague Tina.
Nile says:
- Pleased to meet you, Tina. Or Nice to meet you, Tina.
Tina could say:
- Nice to meet you too, Nile. Or Hello, Nile.
Introducing other people like clients
- Mr Walker, I’d like to introduce you to my manager, David Miller.
Mr Walker could then say:
- How do you do? and David Miller also says How do you do?
Or Mr Walker could say:
- Pleased to meet you. Or Good to meet you.
Speaking Tip
“How do you do?” is quite formal for English speakers and the reply to this question is to repeat the phrase, “How do you do?” (as strange as that may sound!)
Introducing people at a more informal party
When you introduce two of your friends to each other, you can simply say, “Josh, this is Paul.”
Cultural tips
At work, one person may have higher status – your boss, or a client, for example. It’s polite to address them as Mr / Ms until the situation becomes more informal.
If someone says, “Please call me (Bob)”, you know you can use first names. If someone uses your first name, you can use their first name too.
People in European and English-speaking cultures often shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.
In this lesson you learn different variations of greeting people in English. You’re now equipped with the perfect English greetings and introductions for any situation. Remember to smile, be confident, and enjoy those conversations!
Next Conversation Lesson
Phrases for Starting a Simple Conversation in English
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