Meaning and usage of wobble word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word wobble

Word of the Day: Wobble

When something wobbles, it moves slightly back and forth or side to side, or it is unsteady.

  • The old man wobbled up the stairs, taking one step at a time.
  • This table wobbles a little because one leg is shorter than the other three legs.
  • In order to stop a table from wobbling, I put a piece of wadded up paper underneath one of the legs.
  • Frank’s one-year old nephew wobbles when he walks.
  • After spending several weeks in bed due to sickness, Penelope wobbled as she walked around her house.
  • There’s a detectable wobble in distant stars orbited by planets. (This sentence uses “wobble” as a noun.)

The word “wobbly” is an adjective.

  • The table is a little wobbly.
  • A newly born calf is a little wobbly on its legs.
  • A baby who has just learned to walk is wobbly.
  • It’s not a good idea to stand on a wobbly, three-legged swivel chair.


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