Meaning and usage of witness word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word witness

Word of the Day: Witness

witness is a person who has seen or heard something directly. Witnesses are important because they can verify facts and information, especially in situations that involve a trial.

  • The police spoke with a witness who saw a young man steal a woman’s purse.
  • Several witnesses came forward to share what they knew about a car accident.
  • The trial was conducted with four different witnesses. Each witness corroborated (verified and supported) the defendant’s claim that he was not present at the scene of the crime.
  • Following the shooting, no witnesses came forward because they feared retaliation from the person who pulled the trigger.
  • An eyewitness to the murder gave testimony that sealed the fate of the defendant. (The word “eyewitness” is used when a person saw something with his or her eyes. It’s the almost the same things as “witness.”)
  • It’s hard to prove a person’s guilt in a trial if there aren’t any witnesses who can come forward to speak.

The word “witness” can also be used as a verb.

  • Because Mary witnessed a crime, she was issued a subpoena to appear in court and testify.
  • If you witness any unusual activity in your neighborhood, you might want to call the police department.
  • Children who witness a lot of violence in their homes may become emotionally scarred by these experiences.


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