Meaning and usage of weak word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word weak

Word of the Day: Weak

A person or a thing that does not have strength or power is weak. This word is the opposite of the word “strong.”

We often use “weak” to describe people:

  • She became weak after a long illness.
  • A weak, old man was brought to the hospital.
  • Babies are weak and powerless soon after they are born.
  • Will was tired of looking skinny and weak, so he began to lift weights.
  • Three days of the flu left me feeling weak.

The word “weak” also describes animals and things:

  • A weak storm moved through our area.
  • A weak foundation caused the house to collapse.
  • The dogs legs were so weak it couldn’t stand.
  • Her excuse for being late was kind of weak. (It was a bad excuse)
  • Sales figures for this last quarter have been weak.

To make this word into a verb, add an “en” ending:

  • She was weakened by her illness.
  • Smoking weakens your immune system.
  • Hurricanes weaken once they hit land.
  • Avoiding exercise will weaken your muscles.

Add “ling” to the end of “weak” to form the noun, “weakling.” (weakling: a person who is weak)

  • Randy is too much of a weakling to be a threat to anyone.


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