Word of the Day: Way
The word “way” has many different meanings. The first set of examples shows how to use “way” to mean method or means for accomplishing something:
- My mother showed me a good way to make chocolate chip cookies.
- That school uses interesting new ways for teaching and learning.
- How many different ways can this problem be solved?
- Stealing is a bad way of making a living.
- Where there’s a will, there’s a way. (This is a popular expression used in the United States.)
In these sentences, the word “way” is used to talk about a route for traveling or talk about distance:
- It’s a long way back to our house from here.
- Which way is the Coliseum?
- This is the fastest way to get to Los Angeles.
- There’s no other way around all this traffic.
- The parking lot is this way.
We often use “way” to describe possibility:
- There’s no way they could be finished with their work already. It’s not possible.
- Is there any way they will get back together?
- No way! I’m not working on Saturday.
Sometimes the word “way” is used as an adverb. In this case, it’s similar to the words “really” and “very.”
- This furniture is way overpriced.
- She’s way too tired to get off the couch.
- We can’t keep him as a worker. He’s way too lazy.
- It’s way too hot outside.
- The lecture was way interesting.
There are a few idioms that make use of the word “way.”
- Let me get this out of your way. (This is an obstacle. I’ll move it.)
- We don’t want you to go out of your way to help us with this. (We don’t want to cause any inconvenience.)
- Out of the way! (Stay clear. Something is coming through.)
- Could you move, please? You’re in the way. (You are blocking my route of travel of field of vision.)
- Sara’s parents don’t want to get in the way of her plans to become a doctor. (They don’t want to do anything that prevent her from achieving her goal.)
- Peter went all the way up the organization and became the CEO. (all the way = completely from start to finish, from beginning to end)
Essential English Dictionary
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