Meaning and usage of warm word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word warm

Word of the Day: Warm

The word “warm” is used for temperatures generally between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 26 degrees Celsius); however, the feeling of being warm can vary, depending on the person.

  • In the northern United States, it’s warm in the late spring, the summer, and the early fall.
  • On a warm summer evening, it’s enjoyable to go for a walk.
  • Most people prefer warm weather to hot weather or cold weather.
  • Does it feel warm in here, or is it just me?

You can use the word “warm” for people or things:

  • Her forehead feels warm. I think she has a temperature. (She’s probably getting sick.)
  • We like to eat bread when it’s warm.
  • A warm house is a good thing to come home to on a cold winter’s day.
  • People keep warm by wearing a lot of heavy clothes in the winter.
  • Mary has a warm personality. (warm = nice)
  • She gave her friend a warm smile.

It’s also possible to use “warm” as a verb:

  • You can warm food in a microwave.
  • You can warm your hands near a fire.
  • People of Brazil are warming up to the prospect of hosting the summer Olympic games. (warming up = getting used to, perhaps even looking forward to something)
  • It’s a good idea to warm up before you do a lot of exercise, play sportsor perform music. (warm up = stretch the muscles in your body)


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