Meaning and usage of wander word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word wander

Word of the Day: Wander

To wander is to walk around or do something without any direction or purpose.

simple past past participle
  • The high school kids had nothing to do, so they just wandered around the shopping mall all day.
  • Todd wandered into the forest and got lost.
  • A three-year-old boy was found wandering around in the street by himself. (The word “wandering” is a gerund in this sentence.)
  • The people in the car wandered into a construction zone. They were told to leave.
  • The police found a strange man wandering around in our neighborhood, so they asked him some questions.
  • Don’t let your kids wander away. Keep your eyes on them.

A person who wanders is called a “wanderer.”

Note: There’s a difference between “wander” and “wonder.”


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