Meaning and usage of unique word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word unique

Word of the Day: Unique

When someone or something is very different from all the others in a group, we use the adjective “unique.” In some cases, it’s similar to the word “original.”

  • This band has a unique sound. (They have an original sound.)
  • Her hairstyle is very unique. No one else has anything like it.
  • Tony has a unique way of playing soccer.
  • That table is quite unique. It’s one of a kind.
  • Their company takes a unique approach to solving problems.

The adverb form of this word is “uniquely.”

  • She’s uniquely qualified to fill this position.
  • The house is uniquely situated within walking distance of both the city center and the beach.
  • The store carries jewelry uniquely created for people who are socially conscious.


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