Meaning and usage of uncertain word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word uncertain

Word of the Day: Uncertain

If something is uncertain, it’s not clear, or there is some doubt. This word is the opposite of certain.

  • Zoey is uncertain about whether or not she should go to college after high school.
  • Brad is uncertain about leaving his current job and starting a new business.
  • When asked about when she would retire, Mathilda said she was uncertain.
  • Todd didn’t get the job he interviewed for because the company was uncertain of his skills and his experience.
  • Many people are uncertain about the health of the planet’s ecosystem.
  • The future is uncertain.

The word “uncertainty” is a noun:

  • There’s a lot of uncertainty regarding the direction of the stock market.
  • Political activities can cause uncertainty within a country that has a weak economy.
  • Many investors don’t like to put their money into industries in which there’s any uncertainty.
  • There’s a lot of uncertainty regarding the value of Bitcoin.


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