Meaning and usage of unanimous word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word unanimous

Word of the Day: Unanimous

The word “unanimous” is an adjective that we use to describe opinions, judgments, and decisions in which every member of a group agrees. There’s 100 percent agreement on something:

  • The decision made by the jury was unanimous: The defendant was guilty of murder.
  • The board members of the company came to a unanimous decision and fired the CEO.
  • U.S. Supreme Court decisions are rarely unanimous.
  • There was not unanimous support for the construction of a new light rail line through the city.

The adverb form of this word is “unanimously.”

  • The school board voted unanimously to build a new elementary school.
  • The children decided unanimously to play outside in the snow instead of inside in the gymnasium.

The noun form of this word is “unanimity.”

  • In a rare show of unanimity, the city council approved the builder’s plans to construct the apartment building.
  • Unanimity is more easily achieved among members of a small group.


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