Word of the Day: Toll
A toll is a type of tax paid for transit or some other public service.
- Upon entering the state of Illinois from Wisconsin, motorists have to pay a toll.
- Tolls are collected to help pay for the construction and maintenance of highways.
- The cost of an average toll is one to two dollars.
- The person who collects the tolls is called a toll booth operator.
- People don’t like to pay tolls, but they are necessary user fees for the use of the highways.
- A toll bridge requires people who cross over the bridge to pay a toll.
- During the days when pay phones were in use, tolls were paid by people who used phone booths.
- Toll-free calls can be made by using an 800-number.
- Many business have toll-free numbers. (The company pays for the cost of the phone call.)
Another type of a toll is the affect that an experience has on a person or a thing. Difficult experiences take a toll.
- Stress from Renata’s job has taken a toll on her.
- Premature aging is the toll paid by people who have stressful jobs.
- Years and years of working as a police officer has taken a toll on Officer Pete.
- Raising five children without a supportive husband took an emotional toll on my friend, Graciella.
- Climate change is taking a toll on many industries that rely on colder weather for snow.
- Pollution from cars and power plants takes a toll on people who breathe in the toxic emissions.
- People need to realize that the use of plastic is taking a toll on the environment as waste accumulates in the oceans.
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