Word of the Day: Tip
There are many different meanings for the word “tip.”
1. tip: advice; good information.
- Tom’s coach gave him a few tips on how he could improve in playing basketball.
- She can use a few tips in how to be a good waitress.
- I have a tip for you: In order to improve your English, practice reading in English for at least half an hour every day.
2. tip: money for good service.
- The waitress received a big tip because she provided excellent service to her customers.
- John made over $200 in tips yesterday for parking cars. He’s a valet.
- Some housekeepers make a little extra money in tips if their supervisors don’t get to it first.
- The customers tipped the housekeepers $20 before leaving the hotel. (This sentence uses “tip” as a verb.)
- The guitarist makes money from tips when he performs in the subway.
3. tip: the end of something; the point of an object.
- He can touch the tip of his nose with his tongue.
Glenda says the tips of her fingers hurt from all the work she did yesterday.
- Apples grow on the tip of a small branch on an apple tree.
- His name is on the tip of my tongue. (tip of one’s tongue = memory)
4. tip: to fall over; to apply a small amount of pressure
- The stack of chairs tipped over onto the floor because they were too high.
- The boat started to tip in the wind.
- The basketball player tipped the ball into the net.
Essential English Dictionary
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