Meaning and usage of thirst word
In our dictionary, we have gathered 1800 essential words that are commonly used in English. In this article, we cover English word XXX meaning with a few examples.

Word of the Day: Thirst

A person who needs something to drink has thirst.

  • Alberta quenched her thirst with a glass of iced tea.
  • Matthew’s satisfies his thirst with Gatorade.
  • A person who doesn’t get enough to drink will die of thirst (dehydration).
  • Lemonade is a good thirst quencher. (To quench thirst is to satisfy it.)

The word “thirst” is also used when a person has a strong need for an experience:

  • Oscar has a real thirst for knowledge.
  • He thirsts for knowledge. (This sentence uses “thirst” as a verb, which is hard to do but possible.)
  • Olivia has a thirst for adventure.
  • Political candidates may have a thirst for power.
  • People in business might have a thirst for great wealth.

The word “thirsty” is an adjective.

  • The boy was thirsty, so his mother gave him a glass of water.
  • Are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink?
  • People get thirsty quickly when it’s hot outside.
  • I’m thirsty for an ice cold can of Coca Cola.


Essential English Dictionary

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