Meaning and usage of terrible word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word terrible

Word of the Day: Terrible

The word “terrible” is an adjective that you can use to describe something that is very, very bad.

  • The weather lately has been terrible.
  • This bread tastes terrible.
  • That dress on you looks terrible.
  • This place has terrible service.
  • The young man felt terrible about something he said to one of his friends.
  • A terrible accident resulted in a huge loss of life.
  • Ebola is a terrible disease.
  • The consequences of their decision have been terrible.
  • I had a terrible cold last weekend.
  • We all felt terrible when we found out that one of our coworkers died.

As an adverb, the word “terribly” becomes an intensifier that can substitute for the word “very.”

  • I feel terribly hungry. (I feel very hungry.)
  • We’re terribly sad that our teacher is leaving for another school. (We’re very sad.)
  • It feels terribly wrong to be doing this. (A person feels very guilty)
  • This is terribly depressing! (This is very depressing.)


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