Word of the Day: Slam
To slam something is to hit it loudly or with great force.
simple | past | past participle |
- Martha slammed the door shut to show how angry she was at her husband.
- Please don’t slam the cabinet door–you’ll break it.
- If you slam the locker door hard enough, it will close.
- You have to slam it to close it.
- A police officer slammed a suspect up against the wall and searched him for weapons.
- Basketball players who are tall enough and can jump very high are able to slam a basketball through the hoop.
- Kobe Bryant slammed the ball through the hoop.
Sometimes the word “slam” is used as a noun:
- I heard a loud slam that came from the rear of the car. (slam = a loud noise)
- Yesterday’s New York Times newspaper editorial was a slam against the President. (slam = sharp criticism)
- James Comey’s recent book is a slam against President Trump.
There are a few other ways to use the word “slam.”
- If you commit a crime, you might be sent to the slammer. (slammer = prison)
- In the late 1970s and well into the 1980s, slam-dancing was a common form of self-expression at punk rock clubs.
- A person who slams a drink, drinks it very quickly.
- A poetry slam is a type of competition in which poets read their poetry in order to win against other poets.
- A situation that provides a great advantage might be referred to as a slam dunk (The legal case against the defendent was a slam dunk).
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