Meaning and usage of row word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word row

Word of the Day: Row

A row is an orderly arrangement of people or things:

  • Vegetables are planted in a row.
  • An audience member sits in a row at a movie theater. The seats are in rows. Which row is he sitting in?
  • These soldiers are standing in a row.
  • There’s a row of houses on this street.

The word “row” is also used as a verb to describe the movement of a boat through human labor.

  • They’re rowing a boat down the river.
  • Have you ever rowed a boat?
  • You use paddles or oars to row a boat.

There’s one more use for the word “row.” If a person achieves some sort of sequential success, one after another, the prepositional phrase “in a row” might be used.

  • He made five baskets, one after another. He made five in a row.
  • It rained four days in a row last week: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
  • Yolanda has won that award three years in a row: 2014, 2015, and now 2016.

Note: In British English, a row is a fight, but it’s rarely used that way in American English.

  • Two men got into a row outside of the pub.
  • A row broke out among the fans at the football match.


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