Meaning and usage of relieve word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word relieve

Word of the Day: Relieve

Use the verb “relieve” when a person is freed from a worry or a concern.

simple past past participle
  • We were relieved to find out that everyone in our family was safe following the earthquake.
  • Tom was relieved when he learned that he didn’t have to go to a meeting next week.
  • Leslie felt relieved when firefighters arrived at her house to put out a fire.
  • Dental patients are relieved when they visit the dentist and are told they don’t have any cavities.

The word “relieve” is often used for people seeking solutions to pain or stress.

  • Ibuprofen helps to relieve pain from a headache.
  • Antacids can relieve indigestion or heart burn.
  • People who meditate say it helps relieve stress.
  • Heat helps relieve pain in a person’s muscles and joints.

Sometimes we use the word “relieve” when a person is replaced by someone else or when a person is asked to leave a position.

  • In baseball, a pitcher is relieved when he gets tired or fails to throw the ball accurately.
  • Employees who work for a company are relieved when the next shift comes in to take their place.
  • In the military, a soldier is relieved of duty when his or her behavior is dishonorable, resulting in the loss of a position.

Note: The word “relief” is a noun.


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