Meaning and usage of probably word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word probably

Word of the Day: Probably

The word “probably” is a very common adverb that is used when there is a good chance something will happen. Notice that “probably” is usually placed close to the verb that it modifies.

  • I’m probably going to go shopping today.
  • It will probably rain this afternoon.
  • You probably want some help with this difficult assignment.
  • The kids will probably want to go to the park later.

Use “probably” and “not” when you predict something is not likely to happen:

  • It’s probably not going to rain today.
  • They probably won’t be here until later.
  • He probably won’t get the job he interviewed for.
  • She’s upset about something. This is probably not a good time to talk to her. Wait until later.

You can also use “probably” for things that may or may not have happened in the past.

  • Dave isn’t here yet. He probably got stuck in traffic.
  • Nadine looks unhappy. She probably failed her test.
  • Our teacher’s hair is all wet. He probably came to school without an umbrella today.
  • Isabel was late to class. She probably slept through her alarm.

Notice that probably is often a one-word answer to a question or a statement:

  • A: Do you think the test will be hard?
  • B: Probably.
  • A: This car repair is going to be expensive.
  • B: Probably.
  • A: They’ve been going out for over four years. Will they ever get married?
  • B: Yeah, probably.


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