Meaning and usage of precious word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word precious

Word of the Day: Precious

The word “precious” is similar to the word “valuable.” Something that is precious can have a monetary (money) value, a sentimental (emotional) value, or it’s priceless (extremely valuable):

  • A person’s life is very precious.
  • A collection of photographs helps bring back many precious memories.
  • Deanna’s most precious memories are of the years she spent raising her children.
  • Life on Earth exists due to a precious combination of timing and luck.
  • That jewelry store sells precious gold and diamond jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • A good college education can be a person’s most precious asset.
  • It’s unfortunate that so much precious time has been wasted working on a project that isn’t going to be developed.
  • They’re wasting precious time.


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