Meaning and usage of pop word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word pop

Word of the Day: Pop

The word “pop” is usually a verb that describes a sound or the action of suddenly deflating something. Sometimes the word “pop” describes a quick movement. It can also be used as a noun.

  • A balloon will pop if you poke it with something sharp.
    A needle can pop a balloon.

pop / popped / popped

  • A cork pops out of a bottle. (present tense)
  • The cork popped out of a bottle of Champaign. (past tense)


  • Eyes pop out of a person head if there’s something exciting to see.
  • You can pop corn to make popcorn.
  • If you are thirsty, you can pop open a can of pop.*
  • Some people call their father “Pop.” (That’s short for “poppa.”)
  • A pop singer or pop musician is a person who is very popular and usually appeals to young people. Do you like pop music? (The word “pop” is short for “popular.”)

* In some parts of the United States, the word “pop” is used for a carbonated beverage such as Coca-cola, Pepsi, or 7-up. In other parts of the United States, the word “soda” is used. I live in the upper Midwest. Most people here use the word “pop” when drinking a coke.


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