Meaning and usage of pile word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word pile

Word of the Day: Pile

pile is a vertical stack of material. There are many different things that are found in a pile:

  • He’s sitting on a pile of books.
  • The books are in a pile.
  • Someone is using a shovel to move a pile of dirt.
  • She has a pile of laundry to do.
  • The clothes are piled in a laundry basket. (This sentence uses “pile” as a verb.)
  • There’s a pile of work on her desk.
  • She’s buried under a pile of paper work.

This word can also be used as a verb:

simple past past participle
  • Traffic piles up on the highways during rush hour.
  • Debt piles up when a person doesn’t have enough money to pay the bills.
  • Snow piles up on roads and highways during a snowstorm.
  • Your boss might pile on the work at your job.
  • A person who is really hungry will pile a lot of food onto a plate.


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