Word of the Day: Piece
The word “piece” is usually used as a noun to refer to a thing or a part of something.
- Harold ate a piece of pie.
- Would you like a piece of cake?
- I ate a piece of pizza for lunch.
- There are 500 puzzle pieces for this jigsaw puzzle.
- Minh bought a big piece of land for a farm in Wisconsin. (piece of land = usually a large area of land without buildings or houses)
- That’s a beautiful piece of land.
- Moonlight Sonata is a beautiful piece of music.
- Many famous pieces of art can be found at the Art Institute in Chicago.
- Following an accident, you can see pieces of cars lying in the street.
- A lamp fell off of the table and shattered in a thousand pieces.
- The queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess.
- In monopoly, players move their pieces around the board by rolling dice.
There are other ways to use the word “piece.”
- We’re hoping to get a piece of the action. (a piece of the action = sharing in the benefits)
- Zelda gave her coworker a piece of her mind. (a piece of one’s mind = a very strong opinion)
- Patty fell to pieces upon learning that her husband was not faithful to her. (fall to pieces = become upset)
- The police pieced together what happened on the evening of the young man’s disappearance. (This sentence uses “piece” as a verb. piece together = figure out)
- I read an interesting piece in the newspaper the other day. (piece = article, editorial, or opinion)
- John said the test was a piece of cake. (piece of cake = easy)
Note: Don’t confuse the word “piece” with the word “peace.”
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