Word of the Day: People
The word “people” is a very common word in English. Use it when talking about more than one man, woman, or child, especially when describing large numbers. This word is always plural. There isn’t a singular form for “people.”
- People who eat healthy food and exercise regularly can expect a high quality of life.
- The people who live in this neighborhood are very nice.
- This government building belongs to the people. (the people = everyone)
- The candidate for the political position says that he’s a man of the people. (a man of the people = a man who represents his people well because he is one of them)
- Some people never seem to get ahead in life.
- Todd doesn’t get along very well with other people. He’s kind of a hermit. (hermit = a person who isolates himself from people)
- There are some people pushing a boat into the water.
The possessive form of this word is “people’s.” Notice that in this particular case, the apostrophe goes before the “s.”
- Milton Johnson is the people’s choice for governor of our state.
- The people’s lack of faith in their elected representatives is damaging our democracy.
- China’s official name is the People’s Republic of China.
Here are some other ways to use this word:
- Tyrone is a people person. (He socializes well with other people.)
- Who are your people? (Who are your ancestors? Or, what’s your ethnicity?)
- Doris and Bob come from good people.
- The people have spoken. (This is often said in the aftermath of an election.)
- The people of Britain have spoken. (According to the results of a recent election in Britain, a majority of voters are in favor of Britain leaving the European Union. The people have spoken.)
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