Meaning and usage of minor word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word minor

Word of the Day: Minor

The word “minor” means small.

  • A flat tire is a minor problem. (It’s a small problem.)
  • The car sustained minor damage when it bumped into another car.
  • Susan’s role in the organization is minor.
  • Oscar is thrilled to have a minor part in an upcoming movie.
  • Minor characters in movies are usually not very memorable.
  • Even a minor amount of dust can cause the machine to malfunction (malfunction = break).
  • The man went to jail for a minor offense. (minor offense = a small crime)
  • My problems are minor compared to hers.

This word is also used when talking about children under the age of 18.

  • Minors aren’t allowed to buy certain products such as tobacco or alcohol.
  • The boy didn’t go to an adult prison because he was a minor when he committed the crime.
  • Penalties for abusing a minor are quite severe in most states.

Something that is major is often related to or compared to something that is minor.

  • Sarah has a major in economics and a minor in French. (minor = a relatively smaller concentration of college courses in one area)
  • C major sounds good when played with A minor.
  • Tony came up from the minor leagues to play baseball for a major league team.
  • The group went from being a minor threat to a major threat.

The word “minority” is a noun. A minority is a small group.

  • A minority of voters were in favor of the losing candidate.
  • Minority groups in the United States are protected by the justice system.
  • The Minority Leader in the U.S. Senate is Harry Reid.
  • Some people in the office felt that Vanessa got the job only because she’s a minority. (Sometimes the word “minority” is used to describe someone who is not white or caucasian. In this case, the word “minority may have a strong overtone.)
  • The company says that it’s committed to do more minority hiring.


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