Word of the Day: Meet
When people get together in person and talk face-to-face, they meet.
simple | past | past participle |
We use this word for first encounters with someone we don’t know:
- It’s nice to meet you.
- We met some interesting people at the party.
- As a teacher, I have had the opportunity to meet many people from around the world.
- Brandon and Maria met online two years ago. They’re getting married in the spring.
- Have you met Gloria? No? This is Gloria. She’ll be working in the advertising department.
We also use the word “meet” when people plan to get together for some purpose:
- Let’s meet next week to discuss your ideas.
- The committee meets regularly to plan events for the company.
- Linda met her accountant last week to talk about her taxes.
When describing goals, expectations, standards, and other ideas about present and future events, you can use the word “meet.”
- We met our goals last month, so we all get a bonus.
- Vanessa’s group failed to meet its goals.
- The supervisor’s expectations were not met. (This sentence is in the passive voice.)
- This hotel didn’t meet my expectations for cleanliness.
- The construction site meets the standard requirements for worker safety.
The word “meeting” is a noun. A meeting is a gathering of people.
- We have a meeting next week.
- Neal missed the business meeting because he was sick.
- Wesley said the meeting was boring.
- Meetings without an agenda are usually not very productive.
- Tom says he hates going to meetings.
The word “meet” is used as a noun for some school-related sporting events:
- The high school is hosting a track meet this afternoon.
- There’s a wrestling meet this weekend.
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