Meaning and usage of low word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word low

Word of the Day: Low

The word “low” is the opposite of “high.” If something is low, it’s not far from the ground:

  • Ducks fly low to the ground.
  • Towards evening, the sun is lower in the sky.
  • Temperatures are low in the winter.
  • His pants are too low. He needs to pull up his pants. (low pants = sagging. This is a trend among teens.)

Sometimes the word “low” is used for an insufficient amount:

  • Your tires are low. They need more air.
  • His salary is too low. He needs more money.
  • We’re low on milk. We need to get some at the store.
  • My car is low on gas. I need to fill up.
  • Their income is too low to buy a house at this time.

It’s possible to use “low” when describing an opinion:

  • She has a low opinion of her boss.
  • The candidate’s favorability ratings are low. Few people trust him.
  • She suffers from low self-esteem. (She lacks confidence or doesn’t think highly of herself.)
  • That was a low thing to do. (That wasn’t very nice.)

To make something low is to lower it or bring it down. The word “lower” is a verb:

simple past past participle
  • The mechanic lowered the car on the lift when he finished his work.
  • Some members of government want to lower the tax rate paid by middle-income Americans.
  • The college lowered the number of applicants it would accept for next year.
  • The minimum voting age in the United States was lowered from 21 to 18 in the 1970s.
  • Steel beams were lowered into place by a large crane.


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