Word of the Day: Loaf
The word “loaf” refers to the form that bread takes when it’s baked in an oven. This is a loaf of bread:
- This loaf just came out of the oven.
- Would you like a slice of bread from this loaf?
- I bought a loaf of bread at the store.
- Sheila bought three loaves of bread at the bakery.
The plural form for the word “loaf” is “loaves.” Notice that the “f” changes to a “v.”
The word “loaf” can also be used as a verb to describe lazy behavior:
- She’s just loafing around the house today.
- Darryl got fired for loafing off at work.
- Stop loafing and do your work.
- The team loafed through the second half of the game and lost.
- Bob loafs through the school day and wastes everyone’s time–including his own. (The “f” does not change to a “v.” when this word is a verb.)
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