Meaning and usage of limp word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word limp

Word of the Day: Limp

If a person limps, he or she has pain in a leg or a problem with a leg.

  • Wally is limping because he hurt his foot.
  • The dog got something sharp in his paw and he limped all the way home.
  • Yolanda’s limp got worse, so she went to the doctor. (This sentence uses “limp” as a noun.)
  • The old man has always walked with a limp because of a war injury.
  • Why are you limping? Did you hurt yourself?

The word “limp” is also used to describe some kind of weakness or failure.

  • Business at this store went limp at the beginning of the recession.
  • The dog’s tail became limp when he realized he was in trouble for digging in the yard.
  • The customer got angry at the store because of their limp-wristed response to his complaints. (limp-wristed: ineffective; weak)


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