Meaning and usage of learn word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word learn

Word of the Day: Learn

To learn something is to gain knowledge or skills in a particular area. We learn new things every day, whether we are trying to learn or not. Learning is a natural activity that requires our senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

simple past past participle

Here are some examples of how this very common word might be used:

  • What do you want to learn?
  • It’s important to learn new things every day.
  • I’ve learned that good preparation and practice is important for many of the things that I do.
  • Learning isn’t difficult if you are properly motivated. (The word “learning” is a gerund in this sentence.)
  • You should never stop learning new things.
  • At what age did you learn how to ride a bike?
  • My friend, Walter, learned how to speak Spanish.
  • The students that I teach every day learn English in a classroom and online.
  • It’s much better to use a desktop computer for learning than a mobile device because you are seated at a desk and can write.
  • Do want to learn how to play a musical instrument?
  • Do you want to learn how to dance?
  • Do you want to learn how to paint? (Notice that “learn” is often followed by “how to.”)

The word “learner” is a noun that we use for a person who learns:

  • Learners of English have to practice their writing and speaking skills every day.
  • Are you a good learner?
  • Anyone can be a good learner of just about anything, but it requires dedication.
  • We are all learners at some point in life.


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