Meaning and usage of laundry word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word laundry

Word of the Day: Laundry

The word “laundry” is used for clothes and other things that need to be washed. Notice that the verb “do” is often used with the word “laundry.”

  • I have to do my laundry today.
  • Sandra does her laundry on the weekend.
  • How much laundry do you have to do?
  • Most Americans use a washer and a dryer for laundry.
  • Do you use a dryer for your clothes, or do you hang them outside to dry?
  • Who does the laundry in your family?

Many people in the United States have their own appliances for doing laundry, but there are places of business that provide this service.

  • Tina does her laundry at the laundromat.
  • Bob pays someone at the laundromat to do his laundry.
  • Vanessa is a businesswoman. She takes most of her laundry to the dry cleaners because she often wears suits that need to be dry cleaned.
  • Many hotels provide a laundry service, but it’s expensive.


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