Meaning and usage of later word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word later

Word of the Day: Later

An important word to use when talking about the differences in time is “later.” Use “later” to refer to a time that comes second or after another time.

  • I have to leave now, but I’ll see you later.
  • We can’t get this finished now. We will have to do it later.
  • The movie was supposed to start at 8:00, but it started a little later at 8:20.
  • I don’t want to go to the park now. Let’s wait until later in the day to go to the park.
  • Let’s not go now. Let’s go later.
  • Rodney can’t go there now. He’ll go there later.
  • In the upper midwest during the summer, the sun sets much later than it does in the winter.
  • The mail seems to be coming later and later these days. (The time of day when the mail arrives continues to ratchet upwards.)
  • See you later.
  • Later. (Sometimes people use only the word “later” to say goodbye.)

Don’t confuse the word “later” with the word “latter.” The word “latter” is a noun used to represent a second person or a thing.

  • Of the two time periods mentioned, the 1920s and the 1950s, I prefer the latter.
  • Most people prefer the former president over the latter.
  • The rain should clear up in the latter half of the day.


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