Word of the Day: Lane
A lane is a long, narrow passage used for traveling or moving:
- A highway is separated into lanes.
- When driving on the highway, drivers stay in their lanes.
- Lanes are clearly marked with lines
- When making a right turn or a left turn onto a street, you might have to get into a turning lane.
The word “lane” is also used in place of the word “road.”
- There are four other houses on this lane.
- Barb and Dan live on Rasberry Lane. (This would be the name of the street.)
- The lane is wide enough for just one car to use it at a time. It’s a narrow lane.
There are a few other ways in which “lane” might be used:
- If you go bowling, you throw the ball down a lane in order hit the pins.
- People who live in the fast lane go out a lot, spend a lot of money, and do exciting things.
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