Meaning and usage of gutter word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word gutter

Word of the Day: Gutter

gutter is a thing located near the roof of a building or in a street. Its purpose is to carry water away from a building or away from the street.

The gutter on a house sends water to a downspout. From there, the water is lead away from the house.

  • Every spring and fall, I have to clean the gutters on my house.
  • My neighbors also have to clean their gutters; otherwise, the gutters become filled with leaves and other debris.
  • Gutters have been used in some older city streets for hundreds of years.
  • When we visited Freiburg, we noticed gutters (Bächle) filled with flowing water on many of the streets.

gutter is also located on either side of a lane at a bowling alley.

  • Thomas tried to throw a strike, but his ball landed in the gutter.
  • He rolled a gutter ball.
  • In order to avoid the gutter, roll the ball straight down the middle of the lane.

We also use the word “gutter” to describe coarse language and bad behavior

  • Victor refused to get in the gutter with the other kids who vandalized a park playground.
  • Isabel is well versed in the gutter language she heard as a child growing up in a tough neighborhood.
  • That kid’s mind is always in the gutter.
  • Get your head out of the gutter. (This is kind of an expression. It means that a person has impure thoughts.)


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