Meaning and usage of grateful word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word grateful

Word of the Day: Grateful

To be grateful is to be thankful for the things that you have: your health, your family, your friends, your job, money, or possessions. This word is an adjective:

  • Theresa is grateful that her parents are still alive.
  • Don is grateful for being given an opportunity to work for that company.
  • Many people are grateful to God for whatever it is they have or will receive in the future.
  • Isabel showed how grateful she was to her neighbors by baking them a big cake.
  • We’re so grateful that someone found our lost dog.
  • The victims of the accident said that they were grateful for all the help they received.
  • “Thank you! We’re so grateful for your help.”
  • On Thanksgiving, Americans express how grateful they are for their good fortune.
  • What are you grateful for?

The word “gratitude” is a noun:

  • Isabel expressed her gratitude to her neighbors.
  • As a show of gratitude, she baked them a cake.


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